Kinerja HP jg di tentukan oleh
kualitas baterai, oleh karena itu
prgunakanlah baterai yg kualitas'y
baik atau asli dari pabrik vendor
HP trsebut. Baterai jg memerlukan
perawatan agar kinerja'y ttp awet.
Ada be2rapa tips untuk merawat
baterai HP agar awet, ini dia nih
1. Sebaik'y matikan HP jk kamu
berada di sebuah tempat yg
kemungkinan utk mndapatkan
sinyal sulit. Kenapa? Sinyal yg tdk
stabil akn mnyebabkan daya
baterai cepat terkuras, karena
secara otomatis HP akn berusaha
untuk mengapai sinyal,utk
mengapai sinyal ini, di perlukan
daya yg besar.
2. Matikan fitur suara yg tidak
penting, jgn biarkan aktif
spanjang hari.
3. Jgn aktifkan ringtone dan fitur
getar sekaligus.
4. Kurangi brightness layar HP
kamu hingga 50 persen.
5. Matikan Bluetooth, fitur infrared
dan aplikasi lain jika tak di
gunakan utk menghemat energi
6. Letakan HP di tempat yg
suhunya normal.
7. Segera cabut charger dari HP
jika baterai HP sudah penuh.
8. Atur durasi backlight antara
5-15 detik saja.
~Semoga bermanfaat~
SE Secret Codes
Kode Rahasia Hape SE : -> *
<- <- * <- * (-> Artinya tekan joystick, tombol
panah atau JogDial ke kanan dan
<- artinya ke kiri.) Anda akan melihat model telepon, software info, IMEI, info konfigurasi, status kunci sim, Jam real time, waktu panggilan total dan label teks. Anda juga dapat menguji layanan telepon Anda dan perangkat keras dari menu ini (display kamera, utama, LED / pencahayaan, LED Flash, keyboard, earphone, speaker, mikrofon, radio dan tes vibrator) IMEI Number: * # 06 # Lockstatus: <- * * <- Shortcut ke nomor keluar terakhir: 0 # Shortcut ke nomor sim: Pada menu utama ketik sebuah nomor dan tekan # Jika Anda mengubah bahasa dari default ke bahasa lain, maka mungkin sulit untuk beralih ke bahasa default. Pintas ini sangat sederhana. Hanya tekan <0000>.
tombol panah kanan atau
<- <- * <- * (-> Artinya tekan joystick, tombol
panah atau JogDial ke kanan dan
<- artinya ke kiri.) Anda akan melihat model telepon, software info, IMEI, info konfigurasi, status kunci sim, Jam real time, waktu panggilan total dan label teks. Anda juga dapat menguji layanan telepon Anda dan perangkat keras dari menu ini (display kamera, utama, LED / pencahayaan, LED Flash, keyboard, earphone, speaker, mikrofon, radio dan tes vibrator) IMEI Number: * # 06 # Lockstatus: <- * * <- Shortcut ke nomor keluar terakhir: 0 # Shortcut ke nomor sim: Pada menu utama ketik sebuah nomor dan tekan # Jika Anda mengubah bahasa dari default ke bahasa lain, maka mungkin sulit untuk beralih ke bahasa default. Pintas ini sangat sederhana. Hanya tekan <0000>.
tombol panah kanan atau
Nokia Secret Codes
Oke gan kali ini ane mu share tentang Nokia Secret Code, langsung di praktekin aja gan
* # 06 # untuk memeriksa IMEI
(International Mobile Equipment
* # 7780 # reset ke pengaturan
* # 67705646 # Ini akan
menghapus tampilan LCD
(operator logo).
* # 0000 # Untuk melihat versi
* # 2820 # alamat perangkat
* # 746025625 # Sim jam
statusnya diperbolehkan.
* # 62209526 # - Menampilkan
alamat MAC dari adapter WLAN.
Ini hanya tersedia pada
perangkat yang lebih baru yang
mendukung WLAN seperti N80
# Pw +1234567890 +1 #
Menunjukkan jika sim memiliki
* # 92702689 # - membawa
Anda ke menu rahasia dimana
Anda dapat menemukan
beberapa informasi di bawah ini:
1. Menampilkan Serial Number.
2. Menampilkan Bulan dan Tahun
3. Menampilkan (jika ada) tanggal
dimana ponsel itu dibeli (MMYY)
4. Menampilkan tanggal terakhir
perbaikan - jika ditemukan
5. Menunjukkan timer masa
pakai telepon (waktu berlalu
sejak mulai terakhir)
* # 3370 # - Enhanced Full Rate
Codec (EFR) aktivasi.
Meningkatkan kekuatan sinyal,
penerimaan sinyal yang lebih
baik. Hal ini juga membantu jika
u ingin menggunakan GPRS dan
layanan tidak merespons atau
terlalu lambat. Baterai ponsel
akan menguras lebih cepat
* # 3370 * - (EFR) penonaktifan.
Telepon akan restart secara
otomatis. Meningkatkan masa
pakai baterai sebesar 30%
karena ponsel menerima sinyal
kurang dari jaringan.
* # 4720 # - Half Codec Tingkat
* # 4720 * - Half Rate Codec
penonaktifan. Telepon akan
otomatis restart
Jika Anda lupa kode dompet
untuk ponsel Nokia S60,
menggunakan ulang kode: * #
7370925538 #
Catatan, data Anda dalam dompet
akan terhapus. Telepon akan
meminta kode kunci Anda. Kode
default kunci adalah: 12345
Tekan * # 3925538 # untuk
menghapus isi dan kode dompet.
* # 7328748263373738 # reset
kode keamanan.
Standar kode keamanan adalah
Aktifkan penyedia layanan: Insert
sim, hidupkan ponsel dan tekan
vol up (tombol panah) selama 3
detik, harus mengatakan kode
pin. Tekan C, kemudian tekan *
pesan harus flash, tekan * lagi
dan 04 * pin * pin * pin #
Ubah ditutup grup pemanggil
(pengaturan> pengaturan
keamanan> kelompok
pengguna) untuk 00.000 dan
telepon ure akan terdengar nada
pesan saat Anda berada di dekat
perangkap kecepatan radar.
Setting ke 500 akan
menyebabkan telepon Anda 2
berangkat alarm keamanan di
pintu keluar toko, gr8 untuk
lelucon praktis! (Bekerja dengan
beberapa ponsel Nokia.)
Tekan dan tahan "0" pada layar
utama untuk membuka wap
* # 06 # untuk memeriksa IMEI
(International Mobile Equipment
* # 7780 # reset ke pengaturan
* # 67705646 # Ini akan
menghapus tampilan LCD
(operator logo).
* # 0000 # Untuk melihat versi
* # 2820 # alamat perangkat
* # 746025625 # Sim jam
statusnya diperbolehkan.
* # 62209526 # - Menampilkan
alamat MAC dari adapter WLAN.
Ini hanya tersedia pada
perangkat yang lebih baru yang
mendukung WLAN seperti N80
# Pw +1234567890 +1 #
Menunjukkan jika sim memiliki
* # 92702689 # - membawa
Anda ke menu rahasia dimana
Anda dapat menemukan
beberapa informasi di bawah ini:
1. Menampilkan Serial Number.
2. Menampilkan Bulan dan Tahun
3. Menampilkan (jika ada) tanggal
dimana ponsel itu dibeli (MMYY)
4. Menampilkan tanggal terakhir
perbaikan - jika ditemukan
5. Menunjukkan timer masa
pakai telepon (waktu berlalu
sejak mulai terakhir)
* # 3370 # - Enhanced Full Rate
Codec (EFR) aktivasi.
Meningkatkan kekuatan sinyal,
penerimaan sinyal yang lebih
baik. Hal ini juga membantu jika
u ingin menggunakan GPRS dan
layanan tidak merespons atau
terlalu lambat. Baterai ponsel
akan menguras lebih cepat
* # 3370 * - (EFR) penonaktifan.
Telepon akan restart secara
otomatis. Meningkatkan masa
pakai baterai sebesar 30%
karena ponsel menerima sinyal
kurang dari jaringan.
* # 4720 # - Half Codec Tingkat
* # 4720 * - Half Rate Codec
penonaktifan. Telepon akan
otomatis restart
Jika Anda lupa kode dompet
untuk ponsel Nokia S60,
menggunakan ulang kode: * #
7370925538 #
Catatan, data Anda dalam dompet
akan terhapus. Telepon akan
meminta kode kunci Anda. Kode
default kunci adalah: 12345
Tekan * # 3925538 # untuk
menghapus isi dan kode dompet.
* # 7328748263373738 # reset
kode keamanan.
Standar kode keamanan adalah
Aktifkan penyedia layanan: Insert
sim, hidupkan ponsel dan tekan
vol up (tombol panah) selama 3
detik, harus mengatakan kode
pin. Tekan C, kemudian tekan *
pesan harus flash, tekan * lagi
dan 04 * pin * pin * pin #
Ubah ditutup grup pemanggil
(pengaturan> pengaturan
keamanan> kelompok
pengguna) untuk 00.000 dan
telepon ure akan terdengar nada
pesan saat Anda berada di dekat
perangkap kecepatan radar.
Setting ke 500 akan
menyebabkan telepon Anda 2
berangkat alarm keamanan di
pintu keluar toko, gr8 untuk
lelucon praktis! (Bekerja dengan
beberapa ponsel Nokia.)
Tekan dan tahan "0" pada layar
utama untuk membuka wap
Sangkuriang Story
Long time ago in West Java, lived
a beautiful girl named Dayang
Sumbi. She was also smart and
clever. Her beauty and
intelligence made a prince from
the heavenly kingdom of
Kahyangan desire her as his wife.
The prince asked permission
from his father to marry Dayang
Sumbi. People from Kahyangan
could never live side by side with
humans, but his father approved
on one condition, when they had
a child, the prince would
transform into a dog. The prince
accepted the condition.
They get married and lived
happily in the woods until
Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a
baby boy. The prince then
changed into a dog named
Tumang. Their son is named
Sangkuriang. He was very smart
and handsome like his father.
Everyday, he hunted animals and
looked for fruits to eat. One day,
when he was hunting,
Sangkuriang accidentally killed
Tumang. His arrow missed the
deer he was targeting and hit
Tumang instead. He went home
and tells her mother about the
dog. “What?” Dayang Sumbi was
appalled. Driven by sadness and
anger, she grabbed a weaving
tool and hit Sangkuriang’s head
with it. Dayang Sumbi was so
sad; she didn’t pay any attention
to Sangkuriang and started to
Sangkuriang feel sad and also
confused. How can his mother
love a dog more than him?
Sangkuriang then decided to go
away from their home and went
on a journey. In the morning,
Dayang Sumbi finally stopped
crying. She started to feel better,
so she went to find Sangkuriang.
But her son was no where to be
found. She looked everywhere
but still couldn’t find him. Finally,
she went home with nothing.
She was exhausted. She fell
asleep, and in her dream, she
meets her husband. “Dayang
Sumbi, don’t be sad. Go look for
my body in the woods and get
the heart. Soak it with water, and
use the water to bathe, and you
will look young forever,” said the
prince in her dream. After
bathing with the water used to
soak the dog’s heart, Dayang
Sumbi looked more beautiful and
even younger.
And time passed by. Sangkuriang
on his journey stopped at a
village and met and fell in love
with a beautiful girl.He didn't
realize that the village was his
homeland and the beautiful girl
was his own mother, Dayang
Sumbi. Their love grew naturally
and he asked the girl to marry
him. One day, Sangkuriang was
going on a hunt. He asked
Dayang Sumbi to fix the turban
on his head. Dayang Sumbi was
startled when she saw a scar on
his head at the same place where
she, years ago, hit Sangkuriang
on the head.
After the young man left, Dayang
Sumbi prayed for guidance. After
praying, she became convinced
that the young man was indeed
her missing son. She realized that
she had to do something to
prevent Sangkuriang from
marrying her. But she did not
wish to disappoint him by
cancelling the wedding. So,
although she agreed to marry
Sangkuriang, she would do so
only on the condition that he
provides her with a lake and built
a beautiful boat, all in one night.
Sangkuriang accepted this
condition without a doubt. He
had spent his youth studying
magical arts. After the sun went
down, Sangkuriang went to the
hill. Then he called a group of
genie to build a dam around
Citarum River. Then, he
commands the genies to cut
down trees and build a boat. A
few moments before dawn,
Sangkuriang and his genie
servants almost finished the
Dayang Sumbi, who had been
spying on him, realised that
Sangkuriang would fulfill the
condition she had set. Dayang
Sumbi immediately woke all the
women in the village and asked
them to wave a long red scarf. All
the women in the village were
waving red scarf, making it look
as if dawn was breaking.
Deceived by false dawn, the cock
crowed and farmers rose for the
new day.
Sangkuriang’s genie servants
immediately dropped their work
and ran for cover from the sun,
which they feared. Sangkuriang
grew furious. With all his anger,
he kicked the unfinished boat.
The boat flew and landed on a
valley. The boat then became a
mountain, called Mount
Tangkuban Perahu (Tangkuban
means upturned or upside
down, and Perahu means boat).
With his power, he destroyed the
dam. The water drained from the
lake becoming a wide plain and
nowadays became a city called
Bandung (from the word
Bendung, which means Dam).***
a beautiful girl named Dayang
Sumbi. She was also smart and
clever. Her beauty and
intelligence made a prince from
the heavenly kingdom of
Kahyangan desire her as his wife.
The prince asked permission
from his father to marry Dayang
Sumbi. People from Kahyangan
could never live side by side with
humans, but his father approved
on one condition, when they had
a child, the prince would
transform into a dog. The prince
accepted the condition.
They get married and lived
happily in the woods until
Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a
baby boy. The prince then
changed into a dog named
Tumang. Their son is named
Sangkuriang. He was very smart
and handsome like his father.
Everyday, he hunted animals and
looked for fruits to eat. One day,
when he was hunting,
Sangkuriang accidentally killed
Tumang. His arrow missed the
deer he was targeting and hit
Tumang instead. He went home
and tells her mother about the
dog. “What?” Dayang Sumbi was
appalled. Driven by sadness and
anger, she grabbed a weaving
tool and hit Sangkuriang’s head
with it. Dayang Sumbi was so
sad; she didn’t pay any attention
to Sangkuriang and started to
Sangkuriang feel sad and also
confused. How can his mother
love a dog more than him?
Sangkuriang then decided to go
away from their home and went
on a journey. In the morning,
Dayang Sumbi finally stopped
crying. She started to feel better,
so she went to find Sangkuriang.
But her son was no where to be
found. She looked everywhere
but still couldn’t find him. Finally,
she went home with nothing.
She was exhausted. She fell
asleep, and in her dream, she
meets her husband. “Dayang
Sumbi, don’t be sad. Go look for
my body in the woods and get
the heart. Soak it with water, and
use the water to bathe, and you
will look young forever,” said the
prince in her dream. After
bathing with the water used to
soak the dog’s heart, Dayang
Sumbi looked more beautiful and
even younger.
And time passed by. Sangkuriang
on his journey stopped at a
village and met and fell in love
with a beautiful girl.He didn't
realize that the village was his
homeland and the beautiful girl
was his own mother, Dayang
Sumbi. Their love grew naturally
and he asked the girl to marry
him. One day, Sangkuriang was
going on a hunt. He asked
Dayang Sumbi to fix the turban
on his head. Dayang Sumbi was
startled when she saw a scar on
his head at the same place where
she, years ago, hit Sangkuriang
on the head.
After the young man left, Dayang
Sumbi prayed for guidance. After
praying, she became convinced
that the young man was indeed
her missing son. She realized that
she had to do something to
prevent Sangkuriang from
marrying her. But she did not
wish to disappoint him by
cancelling the wedding. So,
although she agreed to marry
Sangkuriang, she would do so
only on the condition that he
provides her with a lake and built
a beautiful boat, all in one night.
Sangkuriang accepted this
condition without a doubt. He
had spent his youth studying
magical arts. After the sun went
down, Sangkuriang went to the
hill. Then he called a group of
genie to build a dam around
Citarum River. Then, he
commands the genies to cut
down trees and build a boat. A
few moments before dawn,
Sangkuriang and his genie
servants almost finished the
Dayang Sumbi, who had been
spying on him, realised that
Sangkuriang would fulfill the
condition she had set. Dayang
Sumbi immediately woke all the
women in the village and asked
them to wave a long red scarf. All
the women in the village were
waving red scarf, making it look
as if dawn was breaking.
Deceived by false dawn, the cock
crowed and farmers rose for the
new day.
Sangkuriang’s genie servants
immediately dropped their work
and ran for cover from the sun,
which they feared. Sangkuriang
grew furious. With all his anger,
he kicked the unfinished boat.
The boat flew and landed on a
valley. The boat then became a
mountain, called Mount
Tangkuban Perahu (Tangkuban
means upturned or upside
down, and Perahu means boat).
With his power, he destroyed the
dam. The water drained from the
lake becoming a wide plain and
nowadays became a city called
Bandung (from the word
Bendung, which means Dam).***
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